The aim of the Arctic Sports Cluster is to interact with companies and SME’s in the field of sport in Lapland and in the Arctic region. Furthermore the cluster partnership includes partners in national and EU level. The cluster’s development phase is funded by state regional development funding (AKKE, Sustainable growth and vigor of the regions, 2024–2025, State funding, Regional council of Lapland).
Basic information on Arctic Sports Cluster
The aim of the Arctic Sports Cluster is to help companies in the sports, exercise and well-being industry to grow and develop new products and services. Our unique location in the Arctic and Ounasvaara living lab supports the role of the cluster as hub of development in sports and well-being.
The cluster work is part of European smart specialization thematic partnership ClusSport that aims to strengthen the Sport & Vitality industries at the EU level. All ClusSport regions aim at boosting sport and vitality sectors in their regional economies and on European level. The partnership not only gathers regions, but also regional Q-helix clusters, hence bringing together a large variety of stakeholders from the sport sector and related industries. The ClusSport consortium is focusing on strengthening the regional ecosystems and the development of smart regional innovation hubs for sports and vitality.
These innovation hubs are local ecosystems that support the transfer of technology and knowledge for use into the society and the industry to fulfil the market need and have economical, societal and sports impact.
*Information will be completed.
Cluster initiatives
Cluster initiatives:
- Rebuild through sports actions among five EU member states (Erasmus+)
- Lapland on the Move: Increasing physical activity in sparsely populated areas through Arctic sports ”cooperative” (European Social Fund)
Companies and SME’s we work with
Companies and SME’s we work with:
- Comeback Center Oy
- WB Sails Oy
- Roll Outdoors Oy
*More information to be added.
Cooperation partners
Cooperation partners:
- Local partners:
- City of Rovaniemi
- Lapland University of Applied Sciences
- Koyama
- Arctic sport network
- National partners:
- Lahti Sports Hub
- European network partners
- Cluster Sports & Technology
- MSE cluster
- Indescat
- Trentino Sviluppo
- Cluster Montagne
- Verde Cluster
*Information will be completed.
- Local partners:
Events and cluster forums
Events and cluster forums:
- Lapland Sports Gala 11.1.2025, Pyhä Resort (FIN)
- EU Sports Funding Infoevent 16.12.2024, Brussels (BEL)
- ELIS Innovation Hub Summit 13.11.2024, Eindhoven (NED)
- Opening of the First Snow Track 26.10.2024, Rovaniemi (FIN)
- Opening of the Arctic Sports Cluster 27.9.2024, Rovaniemi (FIN)
Further information
Niko Niemisalo
Project manager